برای داشتن آخر هفته‌ای آرام این مطلب را از دست ندهید!

این روزها شرایط زندگی شهری استرس زیادی به همراه دارد. ترافیک‌های طولانی مدت، آلودگی‌ها، فشار اقتصادی و مالی، شرایط کاری و خیلی موارد دیگر باعث می‌شود تا زندگی پر تنشی داشته باشیم. اگر هفته‌ای شلوغ و پر کار داشته‌اید، بهتر است آخر هفته‌ها به آرامش فکر و ریلکس کنید. با ما همراه باشید تا در این مطلب کتاب‌هایی را به شما معرفی کنیم تا با مطالعه آن‌ها و به کار بردن راه‌کارهای موجود در آن آخر هفته‌ای آرام و شاد داشته باشید.

تن آرامی یا ریلکسیشن

کتاب برای ریلکسیشن

استرس‌‌های روزمره دنیای پرشتاب امروز با تأثیرات منفی خود بر انسان باعث ایجاد بیماری‌های مختلف در او می‌شوند و به همین خاطر درصد قابل توجهی از مراجعات به پزشکان به علت بیماری‌های ناشی از استرس است. استرس طولانی‌مدت با ضعیف کردن سیستم ایمنی بدن، منجر به اختلالات عملکردی ارگان‌ها و سیستم‌های مختلف بدن می‌شود.  خوشبختانه استرس و آثار مخرب آن را می‌توان توسط انجام برخی از تمرین‌ها نظیر تکنیک آرمیدگی عضلانی تا حد قابل قبولی کاهش داد.

تکنیک آرمیدگی عضلانی، واکنشی متضاد با استرس در بدن تولید می‌کند و موجب کاهش ضربان قلب، عمیق‌تر شدن تنفس، کاهش فشار خون، بهبود جریان خون و رفع گرفتگی عضلانی می‌شود و بدن به حالت طبیعی خود باز می‌گردد. این تمرین همچنین به ترمیم و استراحت مؤثر ذهنی و جسمی منجر می‌شود.

پیشنهاد می‌کنیم برای انجام تمرین، به صورت فردی یا همراه اعضای خانواده، در آغاز روز یا زمان مناسب دیگری نظیر عصر در بازگشت به منزل از محیط کار و یا شب هنگام پیش از خواب، در حالی که لباسی راحت پوشیده‌اید، روی تخت، زمین یا یک مبل راحتی دراز بکشید و دست‌ها را در کنارتان قرار دهید. سپس چشم ها را ببندید و به مدت نیم ساعت به توصیه‌های ارائه شده در این کتاب صوتی تن آرامی یا ریلکسیشن گوش بسپارید و ذهن و بدن خود را آرام و سالم سازید. با این کار می‌توانید به آرامش، سلامت، تعادل و خوشبختی برسید.دانلود کتاب از فیدیبو

مغزتان را رام کنید

کتاب برای ریلکسیشن

هدف راه‌کارهای کتاب مغزتان را رام کنید کسب آرامش است. امیدواریم که چنین شود. مطمئن باشید که با به کارگیری مستمر این تمرین‌ها به آرامش خواهید رسید. مهم پیگیری و پشتکار است.

ترس، ترس را جذب می کند، نفرت، نفرت را، و آرامش و صلح نیز آرامش و صلح را. ساختار وجودی کسی که در آرامش به سرمی‌برد، چیست؟ چنین افرادی از دروغ، افکار منفی، و ترس و نگرانی دوری می‌کنند. در ذهن آن‌ها چنین چیزی وجود ندارد: نکند این کارم به نتیجه نرسد! خیلی‌ها دلشان می‌خواهد که آرامش را در زندگی‌شان احساس کنند، اما تمایلی به رها کردن شیوه‌ی قبلی زندگی‌شان ندارند. خیلی‌ها هم هیجان و خطر کردن و به هم زدن آرامش ظاهری را دوست ندارند. بله، آرامش ظاهری، نه آرامش واقعی. همچنان به روش قبلی، به زندگی‌شان ادامه می‌دهند. روش‌هایی مثل خشم، ترس، نگرانی، نفرت، افکار منفی، و… شاید هم نگران این هستند که اگر عوض شوند، دیگران به آن‌ها احترام نخواهند گذاشت. به روش‌هایی ادامه می‌دهند که می‌دانند، اشتباه است. آرامش را دوست دارند، اما جرات تغییر ندارند. این کتاب کمک بزرگی به این افراد می‌کند.دانلود کتاب از فیدیبو

این کتاب شما را آرام می‌کند

کتاب برای ریلکسیشن

ما در دوران متغیری زندگی می‌کنیم و گاه زندگی ممکن است دشوار شود. مجبوریم برای مقابله و کنار آمدن با فشارهایی که در زیر آن‌ها زندگی می‌کنیم تلاش کنیم. گاهی این فشارها از بیرون سرچشمه می‌گیرند، اما بیشتر منشأ درونی دارند. همراه با داشتن گزینه‌های بیشتر، مسئولیت بیشتری پیدا می‌کنیم و گاهی این مسئولیت بیشتر زمینه‌ساز استرس، نارضایتی و تردید به خویشتن می‌شود. به ندرت کسانی را می‌یابید. که احساس کنند در کار، در روابط و در زندگی به طور کامل وضع عالی و بی‌کم‌وکاست دارند.

این کتاب شما را رام می‌کند، به شما کمک می‌کنند تا بدانید و درک کنید که چرا این‌گونه احساس و چرا این‌گونه رفتار می‌کنید. این کتاب ابزاری در اختیار شما می‌گذارد تا تغییرات مثبتی در زندگی خود به وجود آورید.دانلود کتاب از فیدیبو

  • مدیریت
  • * @method CarbonInterface floorMonth(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorMonths(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance month with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilMonth(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilMonths(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance month with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface roundDay(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface roundDays(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance day with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface floorDay(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorDays(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance day with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilDay(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilDays(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance day with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface roundHour(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface roundHours(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance hour with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface floorHour(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorHours(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance hour with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilHour(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilHours(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance hour with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface roundMinute(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface roundMinutes(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance minute with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface floorMinute(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorMinutes(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance minute with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilMinute(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilMinutes(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance minute with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface roundSecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface roundSeconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance second with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface floorSecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorSeconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance second with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilSecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilSeconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance second with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface roundMillennium(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface roundMillennia(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millennium with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface floorMillennium(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorMillennia(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millennium with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilMillennium(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilMillennia(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millennium with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface roundCentury(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface roundCenturies(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance century with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface floorCentury(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorCenturies(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance century with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilCentury(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilCenturies(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance century with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface roundDecade(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface roundDecades(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance decade with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface floorDecade(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorDecades(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance decade with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilDecade(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilDecades(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance decade with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface roundQuarter(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface roundQuarters(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance quarter with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface floorQuarter(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorQuarters(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance quarter with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilQuarter(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilQuarters(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance quarter with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface roundMillisecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface roundMilliseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance millisecond with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface floorMillisecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorMilliseconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance millisecond with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilMillisecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilMilliseconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance millisecond with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface roundMicrosecond(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface roundMicroseconds(float $precision = 1, string $function = "round") Round the current instance microsecond with given precision using the given function. * @method CarbonInterface floorMicrosecond(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface floorMicroseconds(float $precision = 1) Truncate the current instance microsecond with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilMicrosecond(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision. * @method CarbonInterface ceilMicroseconds(float $precision = 1) Ceil the current instance microsecond with given precision. * @method string shortAbsoluteDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'Absolute' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.) * @method string longAbsoluteDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'Absolute' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.) * @method string shortRelativeDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'Relative' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.) * @method string longRelativeDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'Relative' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.) * @method string shortRelativeToNowDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'RelativeToNow' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.) * @method string longRelativeToNowDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'RelativeToNow' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.) * @method string shortRelativeToOtherDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (short format, 'RelativeToOther' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.) * @method string longRelativeToOtherDiffForHumans(DateTimeInterface $other = null, int $parts = 1) Get the difference (long format, 'RelativeToOther' mode) in a human readable format in the current locale. ($other and $parts parameters can be swapped.) * * */ trait Date { use Boundaries; use Comparison; use Converter; use Creator; use Difference; use Macro; use MagicParameter; use Modifiers; use Mutability; use ObjectInitialisation; use Options; use Rounding; use Serialization; use Test; use Timestamp; use Units; use Week; /** * Names of days of the week. * * @var array */ protected static $days = [ // @call isDayOfWeek CarbonInterface::SUNDAY => 'Sunday', // @call isDayOfWeek CarbonInterface::MONDAY => 'Monday', // @call isDayOfWeek CarbonInterface::TUESDAY => 'Tuesday', // @call isDayOfWeek CarbonInterface::WEDNESDAY => 'Wednesday', // @call isDayOfWeek CarbonInterface::THURSDAY => 'Thursday', // @call isDayOfWeek CarbonInterface::FRIDAY => 'Friday', // @call isDayOfWeek CarbonInterface::SATURDAY => 'Saturday', ]; /** * Will UTF8 encoding be used to print localized date/time ? * * @var bool */ protected static $utf8 = false; /** * List of unit and magic methods associated as doc-comments. * * @var array */ protected static $units = [ // @call setUnit // @call addUnit 'year', // @call setUnit // @call addUnit 'month', // @call setUnit // @call addUnit 'day', // @call setUnit // @call addUnit 'hour', // @call setUnit // @call addUnit 'minute', // @call setUnit // @call addUnit 'second', // @call setUnit // @call addUnit 'milli', // @call setUnit // @call addUnit 'millisecond', // @call setUnit // @call addUnit 'micro', // @call setUnit // @call addUnit 'microsecond', ]; /** * Creates a DateTimeZone from a string, DateTimeZone or integer offset. * * @param DateTimeZone|string|int|null $object original value to get CarbonTimeZone from it. * @param DateTimeZone|string|int|null $objectDump dump of the object for error messages. * * @throws InvalidTimeZoneException * * @return CarbonTimeZone|false */ protected static function safeCreateDateTimeZone($object, $objectDump = null) { return CarbonTimeZone::instance($object, $objectDump); } /** * Get the TimeZone associated with the Carbon instance (as CarbonTimeZone). * * @return CarbonTimeZone * * @link https://php.net/manual/en/datetime.gettimezone.php */ #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function getTimezone() { return CarbonTimeZone::instance(parent::getTimezone()); } /** * List of minimum and maximums for each unit. * * @param int $daysInMonth * * @return array */ protected static function getRangesByUnit(int $daysInMonth = 31): array { return [ // @call roundUnit 'year' => [1, 9999], // @call roundUnit 'month' => [1, static::MONTHS_PER_YEAR], // @call roundUnit 'day' => [1, $daysInMonth], // @call roundUnit 'hour' => [0, static::HOURS_PER_DAY - 1], // @call roundUnit 'minute' => [0, static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR - 1], // @call roundUnit 'second' => [0, static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE - 1], ]; } /** * Get a copy of the instance. * * @return static */ public function copy() { return clone $this; } /** * @alias copy * * Get a copy of the instance. * * @return static */ public function clone() { return clone $this; } /** * Clone the current instance if it's mutable. * * This method is convenient to ensure you don't mutate the initial object * but avoid to make a useless copy of it if it's already immutable. * * @return static */ public function avoidMutation(): self { if ($this instanceof DateTimeImmutable) { return $this; } return clone $this; } /** * Returns a present instance in the same timezone. * * @return static */ public function nowWithSameTz() { return static::now($this->getTimezone()); } /** * Throws an exception if the given object is not a DateTime and does not implement DateTimeInterface. * * @param mixed $date * @param string|array $other * * @throws InvalidTypeException */ protected static function expectDateTime($date, $other = []) { $message = 'Expected '; foreach ((array) $other as $expect) { $message .= "$expect, "; } if (!$date instanceof DateTime && !$date instanceof DateTimeInterface) { throw new InvalidTypeException( $message.'DateTime or DateTimeInterface, '. (\is_object($date) ? \get_class($date) : \gettype($date)).' given' ); } } /** * Return the Carbon instance passed through, a now instance in the same timezone * if null given or parse the input if string given. * * @param Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date * * @return static */ protected function resolveCarbon($date = null) { if (!$date) { return $this->nowWithSameTz(); } if (\is_string($date)) { return static::parse($date, $this->getTimezone()); } static::expectDateTime($date, ['null', 'string']); return $date instanceof self ? $date : static::instance($date); } /** * Return the Carbon instance passed through, a now instance in UTC * if null given or parse the input if string given (using current timezone * then switching to UTC). * * @param Carbon|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date * * @return static */ protected function resolveUTC($date = null): self { if (!$date) { return static::now('UTC'); } if (\is_string($date)) { return static::parse($date, $this->getTimezone())->utc(); } static::expectDateTime($date, ['null', 'string']); return $date instanceof self ? $date : static::instance($date)->utc(); } /** * Return the Carbon instance passed through, a now instance in the same timezone * if null given or parse the input if string given. * * @param Carbon|\Carbon\CarbonPeriod|\Carbon\CarbonInterval|\DateInterval|\DatePeriod|DateTimeInterface|string|null $date * * @return static */ public function carbonize($date = null) { if ($date instanceof DateInterval) { return $this->avoidMutation()->add($date); } if ($date instanceof DatePeriod || $date instanceof CarbonPeriod) { $date = $date->getStartDate(); } return $this->resolveCarbon($date); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////// GETTERS AND SETTERS ///////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Get a part of the Carbon object * * @param string $name * * @throws UnknownGetterException * * @return string|int|bool|DateTimeZone|null */ public function __get($name) { return $this->get($name); } /** * Get a part of the Carbon object * * @param string $name * * @throws UnknownGetterException * * @return string|int|bool|DateTimeZone|null */ public function get($name) { static $formats = [ // @property int 'year' => 'Y', // @property int 'yearIso' => 'o', // @property int // @call isSameUnit 'month' => 'n', // @property int 'day' => 'j', // @property int 'hour' => 'G', // @property int 'minute' => 'i', // @property int 'second' => 's', // @property int 'micro' => 'u', // @property int 'microsecond' => 'u', // @property-read int 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday) 'dayOfWeek' => 'w', // @property-read int 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday) 'dayOfWeekIso' => 'N', // @property-read int ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday 'weekOfYear' => 'W', // @property-read int number of days in the given month 'daysInMonth' => 't', // @property int|float|string seconds since the Unix Epoch 'timestamp' => 'U', // @property-read string "am"/"pm" (Ante meridiem or Post meridiem latin lowercase mark) 'latinMeridiem' => 'a', // @property-read string "AM"/"PM" (Ante meridiem or Post meridiem latin uppercase mark) 'latinUpperMeridiem' => 'A', // @property string the day of week in English 'englishDayOfWeek' => 'l', // @property string the abbreviated day of week in English 'shortEnglishDayOfWeek' => 'D', // @property string the month in English 'englishMonth' => 'F', // @property string the abbreviated month in English 'shortEnglishMonth' => 'M', // @property string the day of week in current locale LC_TIME // @deprecated // reason: It uses OS language package and strftime() which is deprecated since PHP 8.1. // replacement: Use ->isoFormat('MMM') instead. // since: 2.55.0 'localeDayOfWeek' => '%A', // @property string the abbreviated day of week in current locale LC_TIME // @deprecated // reason: It uses OS language package and strftime() which is deprecated since PHP 8.1. // replacement: Use ->isoFormat('dddd') instead. // since: 2.55.0 'shortLocaleDayOfWeek' => '%a', // @property string the month in current locale LC_TIME // @deprecated // reason: It uses OS language package and strftime() which is deprecated since PHP 8.1. // replacement: Use ->isoFormat('ddd') instead. // since: 2.55.0 'localeMonth' => '%B', // @property string the abbreviated month in current locale LC_TIME // @deprecated // reason: It uses OS language package and strftime() which is deprecated since PHP 8.1. // replacement: Use ->isoFormat('MMMM') instead. // since: 2.55.0 'shortLocaleMonth' => '%b', // @property-read string $timezoneAbbreviatedName the current timezone abbreviated name 'timezoneAbbreviatedName' => 'T', // @property-read string $tzAbbrName alias of $timezoneAbbreviatedName 'tzAbbrName' => 'T', ]; switch (true) { case isset($formats[$name]): $format = $formats[$name]; $method = str_starts_with($format, '%') ? 'formatLocalized' : 'rawFormat'; $value = $this->$method($format); return is_numeric($value) ? (int) $value : $value; // @property-read string long name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language case $name === 'dayName': return $this->getTranslatedDayName(); // @property-read string short name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language case $name === 'shortDayName': return $this->getTranslatedShortDayName(); // @property-read string very short name of weekday translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language case $name === 'minDayName': return $this->getTranslatedMinDayName(); // @property-read string long name of month translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language case $name === 'monthName': return $this->getTranslatedMonthName(); // @property-read string short name of month translated according to Carbon locale, in english if no translation available for current language case $name === 'shortMonthName': return $this->getTranslatedShortMonthName(); // @property-read string lowercase meridiem mark translated according to Carbon locale, in latin if no translation available for current language case $name === 'meridiem': return $this->meridiem(true); // @property-read string uppercase meridiem mark translated according to Carbon locale, in latin if no translation available for current language case $name === 'upperMeridiem': return $this->meridiem(); // @property-read int current hour from 1 to 24 case $name === 'noZeroHour': return $this->hour ?: 24; // @property int case $name === 'milliseconds': // @property int case $name === 'millisecond': // @property int case $name === 'milli': return (int) floor(((int) $this->rawFormat('u')) / 1000); // @property int 1 through 53 case $name === 'week': return (int) $this->week(); // @property int 1 through 53 case $name === 'isoWeek': return (int) $this->isoWeek(); // @property int year according to week format case $name === 'weekYear': return (int) $this->weekYear(); // @property int year according to ISO week format case $name === 'isoWeekYear': return (int) $this->isoWeekYear(); // @property-read int 51 through 53 case $name === 'weeksInYear': return $this->weeksInYear(); // @property-read int 51 through 53 case $name === 'isoWeeksInYear': return $this->isoWeeksInYear(); // @property-read int 1 through 5 case $name === 'weekOfMonth': return (int) ceil($this->day / static::DAYS_PER_WEEK); // @property-read int 1 through 5 case $name === 'weekNumberInMonth': return (int) ceil(($this->day + $this->avoidMutation()->startOfMonth()->dayOfWeekIso - 1) / static::DAYS_PER_WEEK); // @property-read int 0 through 6 case $name === 'firstWeekDay': return $this->localTranslator ? ($this->getTranslationMessage('first_day_of_week') ?? 0) : static::getWeekStartsAt(); // @property-read int 0 through 6 case $name === 'lastWeekDay': return $this->localTranslator ? (($this->getTranslationMessage('first_day_of_week') ?? 0) + static::DAYS_PER_WEEK - 1) % static::DAYS_PER_WEEK : static::getWeekEndsAt(); // @property int 1 through 366 case $name === 'dayOfYear': return 1 + (int) ($this->rawFormat('z')); // @property-read int 365 or 366 case $name === 'daysInYear': return $this->isLeapYear() ? 366 : 365; // @property int does a diffInYears() with default parameters case $name === 'age': return $this->diffInYears(); // @property-read int the quarter of this instance, 1 - 4 // @call isSameUnit case $name === 'quarter': return (int) ceil($this->month / static::MONTHS_PER_QUARTER); // @property-read int the decade of this instance // @call isSameUnit case $name === 'decade': return (int) ceil($this->year / static::YEARS_PER_DECADE); // @property-read int the century of this instance // @call isSameUnit case $name === 'century': $factor = 1; $year = $this->year; if ($year < 0) { $year = -$year; $factor = -1; } return (int) ($factor * ceil($year / static::YEARS_PER_CENTURY)); // @property-read int the millennium of this instance // @call isSameUnit case $name === 'millennium': $factor = 1; $year = $this->year; if ($year < 0) { $year = -$year; $factor = -1; } return (int) ($factor * ceil($year / static::YEARS_PER_MILLENNIUM)); // @property int the timezone offset in seconds from UTC case $name === 'offset': return $this->getOffset(); // @property int the timezone offset in minutes from UTC case $name === 'offsetMinutes': return $this->getOffset() / static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; // @property int the timezone offset in hours from UTC case $name === 'offsetHours': return $this->getOffset() / static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE / static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR; // @property-read bool daylight savings time indicator, true if DST, false otherwise case $name === 'dst': return $this->rawFormat('I') === '1'; // @property-read bool checks if the timezone is local, true if local, false otherwise case $name === 'local': return $this->getOffset() === $this->avoidMutation()->setTimezone(date_default_timezone_get())->getOffset(); // @property-read bool checks if the timezone is UTC, true if UTC, false otherwise case $name === 'utc': return $this->getOffset() === 0; // @property CarbonTimeZone $timezone the current timezone // @property CarbonTimeZone $tz alias of $timezone case $name === 'timezone' || $name === 'tz': return CarbonTimeZone::instance($this->getTimezone()); // @property-read string $timezoneName the current timezone name // @property-read string $tzName alias of $timezoneName case $name === 'timezoneName' || $name === 'tzName': return $this->getTimezone()->getName(); // @property-read string locale of the current instance case $name === 'locale': return $this->getTranslatorLocale(); default: $macro = $this->getLocalMacro('get'.ucfirst($name)); if ($macro) { return $this->executeCallableWithContext($macro); } throw new UnknownGetterException($name); } } /** * Check if an attribute exists on the object * * @param string $name * * @return bool */ public function __isset($name) { try { $this->__get($name); } catch (UnknownGetterException | ReflectionException $e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Set a part of the Carbon object * * @param string $name * @param string|int|DateTimeZone $value * * @throws UnknownSetterException|ReflectionException * * @return void */ public function __set($name, $value) { if ($this->constructedObjectId === spl_object_hash($this)) { $this->set($name, $value); return; } $this->$name = $value; } /** * Set a part of the Carbon object * * @param string|array $name * @param string|int|DateTimeZone $value * * @throws ImmutableException|UnknownSetterException * * @return $this */ public function set($name, $value = null) { if ($this->isImmutable()) { throw new ImmutableException(sprintf('%s class', static::class)); } if (\is_array($name)) { foreach ($name as $key => $value) { $this->set($key, $value); } return $this; } switch ($name) { case 'milliseconds': case 'millisecond': case 'milli': case 'microseconds': case 'microsecond': case 'micro': if (str_starts_with($name, 'milli')) { $value *= 1000; } while ($value < 0) { $this->subSecond(); $value += static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND; } while ($value >= static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND) { $this->addSecond(); $value -= static::MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND; } $this->modify($this->rawFormat('H:i:s.').str_pad((string) round($value), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); break; case 'year': case 'month': case 'day': case 'hour': case 'minute': case 'second': [$year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second] = array_map('intval', explode('-', $this->rawFormat('Y-n-j-G-i-s'))); $$name = $value; $this->setDateTime($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second); break; case 'week': $this->week($value); break; case 'isoWeek': $this->isoWeek($value); break; case 'weekYear': $this->weekYear($value); break; case 'isoWeekYear': $this->isoWeekYear($value); break; case 'dayOfYear': $this->addDays($value - $this->dayOfYear); break; case 'timestamp': $this->setTimestamp($value); break; case 'offset': $this->setTimezone(static::safeCreateDateTimeZone($value / static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE / static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR)); break; case 'offsetMinutes': $this->setTimezone(static::safeCreateDateTimeZone($value / static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR)); break; case 'offsetHours': $this->setTimezone(static::safeCreateDateTimeZone($value)); break; case 'timezone': case 'tz': $this->setTimezone($value); break; default: $macro = $this->getLocalMacro('set'.ucfirst($name)); if ($macro) { $this->executeCallableWithContext($macro, $value); break; } if ($this->localStrictModeEnabled ?? static::isStrictModeEnabled()) { throw new UnknownSetterException($name); } $this->$name = $value; } return $this; } protected function getTranslatedFormByRegExp($baseKey, $keySuffix, $context, $subKey, $defaultValue) { $key = $baseKey.$keySuffix; $standaloneKey = "{$key}_standalone"; $baseTranslation = $this->getTranslationMessage($key); if ($baseTranslation instanceof Closure) { return $baseTranslation($this, $context, $subKey) ?: $defaultValue; } if ( $this->getTranslationMessage("$standaloneKey.$subKey") && (!$context || (($regExp = $this->getTranslationMessage("{$baseKey}_regexp")) && !preg_match($regExp, $context))) ) { $key = $standaloneKey; } return $this->getTranslationMessage("$key.$subKey", null, $defaultValue); } /** * Get the translation of the current week day name (with context for languages with multiple forms). * * @param string|null $context whole format string * @param string $keySuffix "", "_short" or "_min" * @param string|null $defaultValue default value if translation missing * * @return string */ public function getTranslatedDayName($context = null, $keySuffix = '', $defaultValue = null) { return $this->getTranslatedFormByRegExp('weekdays', $keySuffix, $context, $this->dayOfWeek, $defaultValue ?: $this->englishDayOfWeek); } /** * Get the translation of the current short week day name (with context for languages with multiple forms). * * @param string|null $context whole format string * * @return string */ public function getTranslatedShortDayName($context = null) { return $this->getTranslatedDayName($context, '_short', $this->shortEnglishDayOfWeek); } /** * Get the translation of the current abbreviated week day name (with context for languages with multiple forms). * * @param string|null $context whole format string * * @return string */ public function getTranslatedMinDayName($context = null) { return $this->getTranslatedDayName($context, '_min', $this->shortEnglishDayOfWeek); } /** * Get the translation of the current month day name (with context for languages with multiple forms). * * @param string|null $context whole format string * @param string $keySuffix "" or "_short" * @param string|null $defaultValue default value if translation missing * * @return string */ public function getTranslatedMonthName($context = null, $keySuffix = '', $defaultValue = null) { return $this->getTranslatedFormByRegExp('months', $keySuffix, $context, $this->month - 1, $defaultValue ?: $this->englishMonth); } /** * Get the translation of the current short month day name (with context for languages with multiple forms). * * @param string|null $context whole format string * * @return string */ public function getTranslatedShortMonthName($context = null) { return $this->getTranslatedMonthName($context, '_short', $this->shortEnglishMonth); } /** * Get/set the day of year. * * @param int|null $value new value for day of year if using as setter. * * @return static|int */ public function dayOfYear($value = null) { $dayOfYear = $this->dayOfYear; return $value === null ? $dayOfYear : $this->addDays($value - $dayOfYear); } /** * Get/set the weekday from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). * * @param int|null $value new value for weekday if using as setter. * * @return static|int */ public function weekday($value = null) { if ($value === null) { return $this->dayOfWeek; } $firstDay = (int) ($this->getTranslationMessage('first_day_of_week') ?? 0); $dayOfWeek = ($this->dayOfWeek + 7 - $firstDay) % 7; return $this->addDays((($value + 7 - $firstDay) % 7) - $dayOfWeek); } /** * Get/set the ISO weekday from 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday). * * @param int|null $value new value for weekday if using as setter. * * @return static|int */ public function isoWeekday($value = null) { $dayOfWeekIso = $this->dayOfWeekIso; return $value === null ? $dayOfWeekIso : $this->addDays($value - $dayOfWeekIso); } /** * Return the number of days since the start of the week (using the current locale or the first parameter * if explicitly given). * * @param int|null $weekStartsAt optional start allow you to specify the day of week to use to start the week, * if not provided, start of week is inferred from the locale * (Sunday for en_US, Monday for de_DE, etc.) * * @return int */ public function getDaysFromStartOfWeek(int $weekStartsAt = null): int { $firstDay = (int) ($weekStartsAt ?? $this->getTranslationMessage('first_day_of_week') ?? 0); return ($this->dayOfWeek + 7 - $firstDay) % 7; } /** * Set the day (keeping the current time) to the start of the week + the number of days passed as the first * parameter. First day of week is driven by the locale unless explicitly set with the second parameter. * * @param int $numberOfDays number of days to add after the start of the current week * @param int|null $weekStartsAt optional start allow you to specify the day of week to use to start the week, * if not provided, start of week is inferred from the locale * (Sunday for en_US, Monday for de_DE, etc.) * * @return static */ public function setDaysFromStartOfWeek(int $numberOfDays, int $weekStartsAt = null) { return $this->addDays($numberOfDays - $this->getDaysFromStartOfWeek($weekStartsAt)); } /** * Set any unit to a new value without overflowing current other unit given. * * @param string $valueUnit unit name to modify * @param int $value new value for the input unit * @param string $overflowUnit unit name to not overflow * * @return static */ public function setUnitNoOverflow($valueUnit, $value, $overflowUnit) { try { $original = $this->avoidMutation(); /** @var static $date */ $date = $this->$valueUnit($value); $end = $original->avoidMutation()->endOf($overflowUnit); $start = $original->avoidMutation()->startOf($overflowUnit); if ($date < $start) { $date = $date->setDateTimeFrom($start); } elseif ($date > $end) { $date = $date->setDateTimeFrom($end); } return $date; } catch (BadMethodCallException | ReflectionException $exception) { throw new UnknownUnitException($valueUnit, 0, $exception); } } /** * Add any unit to a new value without overflowing current other unit given. * * @param string $valueUnit unit name to modify * @param int $value amount to add to the input unit * @param string $overflowUnit unit name to not overflow * * @return static */ public function addUnitNoOverflow($valueUnit, $value, $overflowUnit) { return $this->setUnitNoOverflow($valueUnit, $this->$valueUnit + $value, $overflowUnit); } /** * Subtract any unit to a new value without overflowing current other unit given. * * @param string $valueUnit unit name to modify * @param int $value amount to subtract to the input unit * @param string $overflowUnit unit name to not overflow * * @return static */ public function subUnitNoOverflow($valueUnit, $value, $overflowUnit) { return $this->setUnitNoOverflow($valueUnit, $this->$valueUnit - $value, $overflowUnit); } /** * Returns the minutes offset to UTC if no arguments passed, else set the timezone with given minutes shift passed. * * @param int|null $minuteOffset * * @return int|static */ public function utcOffset(int $minuteOffset = null) { if (\func_num_args() < 1) { return $this->offsetMinutes; } return $this->setTimezone(CarbonTimeZone::createFromMinuteOffset($minuteOffset)); } /** * Set the date with gregorian year, month and day numbers. * * @see https://php.net/manual/en/datetime.setdate.php * * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $day * * @return static */ #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function setDate($year, $month, $day) { return parent::setDate((int) $year, (int) $month, (int) $day); } /** * Set a date according to the ISO 8601 standard - using weeks and day offsets rather than specific dates. * * @see https://php.net/manual/en/datetime.setisodate.php * * @param int $year * @param int $week * @param int $day * * @return static */ #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function setISODate($year, $week, $day = 1) { return parent::setISODate((int) $year, (int) $week, (int) $day); } /** * Set the date and time all together. * * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $day * @param int $hour * @param int $minute * @param int $second * @param int $microseconds * * @return static */ public function setDateTime($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute, $second = 0, $microseconds = 0) { return $this->setDate($year, $month, $day)->setTime((int) $hour, (int) $minute, (int) $second, (int) $microseconds); } /** * Resets the current time of the DateTime object to a different time. * * @see https://php.net/manual/en/datetime.settime.php * * @param int $hour * @param int $minute * @param int $second * @param int $microseconds * * @return static */ #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function setTime($hour, $minute, $second = 0, $microseconds = 0) { return parent::setTime((int) $hour, (int) $minute, (int) $second, (int) $microseconds); } /** * Set the instance's timestamp. * * Timestamp input can be given as int, float or a string containing one or more numbers. * * @param float|int|string $unixTimestamp * * @return static */ #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function setTimestamp($unixTimestamp) { [$timestamp, $microseconds] = self::getIntegerAndDecimalParts($unixTimestamp); return parent::setTimestamp((int) $timestamp)->setMicroseconds((int) $microseconds); } /** * Set the time by time string. * * @param string $time * * @return static */ public function setTimeFromTimeString($time) { if (!str_contains($time, ':')) { $time .= ':0'; } return $this->modify($time); } /** * @alias setTimezone * * @param DateTimeZone|string $value * * @return static */ public function timezone($value) { return $this->setTimezone($value); } /** * Set the timezone or returns the timezone name if no arguments passed. * * @param DateTimeZone|string $value * * @return static|string */ public function tz($value = null) { if (\func_num_args() < 1) { return $this->tzName; } return $this->setTimezone($value); } /** * Set the instance's timezone from a string or object. * * @param DateTimeZone|string $value * * @return static */ #[ReturnTypeWillChange] public function setTimezone($value) { $tz = static::safeCreateDateTimeZone($value); if ($tz === false && !self::isStrictModeEnabled()) { $tz = new CarbonTimeZone(); } return parent::setTimezone($tz); } /** * Set the instance's timezone from a string or object and add/subtract the offset difference. * * @param DateTimeZone|string $value * * @return static */ public function shiftTimezone($value) { $dateTimeString = $this->format('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'); return $this ->setTimezone($value) ->modify($dateTimeString); } /** * Set the instance's timezone to UTC. * * @return static */ public function utc() { return $this->setTimezone('UTC'); } /** * Set the year, month, and date for this instance to that of the passed instance. * * @param Carbon|DateTimeInterface $date now if null * * @return static */ public function setDateFrom($date = null) { $date = $this->resolveCarbon($date); return $this->setDate($date->year, $date->month, $date->day); } /** * Set the hour, minute, second and microseconds for this instance to that of the passed instance. * * @param Carbon|DateTimeInterface $date now if null * * @return static */ public function setTimeFrom($date = null) { $date = $this->resolveCarbon($date); return $this->setTime($date->hour, $date->minute, $date->second, $date->microsecond); } /** * Set the date and time for this instance to that of the passed instance. * * @param Carbon|DateTimeInterface $date * * @return static */ public function setDateTimeFrom($date = null) { $date = $this->resolveCarbon($date); return $this->modify($date->rawFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s.u')); } /** * Get the days of the week * * @return array */ public static function getDays() { return static::$days; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// WEEK SPECIAL DAYS ///////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private static function getFirstDayOfWeek(): int { return (int) static::getTranslationMessageWith( static::getTranslator(), 'first_day_of_week' ); } /** * Get the first day of week * * @return int */ public static function getWeekStartsAt() { if (static::$weekStartsAt === static::WEEK_DAY_AUTO) { return self::getFirstDayOfWeek(); } return static::$weekStartsAt; } /** * @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * Use $weekEndsAt optional parameter instead when using endOfWeek method. You can also use the * 'first_day_of_week' locale setting to change the start of week according to current locale * selected and implicitly the end of week. * * Set the first day of week * * @param int|string $day week start day (or 'auto' to get the first day of week from Carbon::getLocale() culture). * * @return void */ public static function setWeekStartsAt($day) { static::$weekStartsAt = $day === static::WEEK_DAY_AUTO ? $day : max(0, (7 + $day) % 7); } /** * Get the last day of week * * @return int */ public static function getWeekEndsAt() { if (static::$weekStartsAt === static::WEEK_DAY_AUTO) { return (int) (static::DAYS_PER_WEEK - 1 + self::getFirstDayOfWeek()) % static::DAYS_PER_WEEK; } return static::$weekEndsAt; } /** * @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * Use $weekStartsAt optional parameter instead when using startOfWeek, floorWeek, ceilWeek * or roundWeek method. You can also use the 'first_day_of_week' locale setting to change the * start of week according to current locale selected and implicitly the end of week. * * Set the last day of week * * @param int|string $day week end day (or 'auto' to get the day before the first day of week * from Carbon::getLocale() culture). * * @return void */ public static function setWeekEndsAt($day) { static::$weekEndsAt = $day === static::WEEK_DAY_AUTO ? $day : max(0, (7 + $day) % 7); } /** * Get weekend days * * @return array */ public static function getWeekendDays() { return static::$weekendDays; } /** * @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather consider week-end is always saturday and sunday, and if you have some custom * week-end days to handle, give to those days an other name and create a macro for them: * * ``` * Carbon::macro('isDayOff', function ($date) { * return $date->isSunday() || $date->isMonday(); * }); * Carbon::macro('isNotDayOff', function ($date) { * return !$date->isDayOff(); * }); * if ($someDate->isDayOff()) ... * if ($someDate->isNotDayOff()) ... * // Add 5 not-off days * $count = 5; * while ($someDate->isDayOff() || ($count-- > 0)) { * $someDate->addDay(); * } * ``` * * Set weekend days * * @param array $days * * @return void */ public static function setWeekendDays($days) { static::$weekendDays = $days; } /** * Determine if a time string will produce a relative date. * * @param string $time * * @return bool true if time match a relative date, false if absolute or invalid time string */ public static function hasRelativeKeywords($time) { if (!$time || strtotime($time) === false) { return false; } $date1 = new DateTime('2000-01-01T00:00:00Z'); $date1->modify($time); $date2 = new DateTime('2001-12-25T00:00:00Z'); $date2->modify($time); return $date1 != $date2; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// STRING FORMATTING ///////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * @deprecated To avoid conflict between different third-party libraries, static setters should not be used. * You should rather use UTF-8 language packages on every machine. * * Set if UTF8 will be used for localized date/time. * * @param bool $utf8 */ public static function setUtf8($utf8) { static::$utf8 = $utf8; } /** * Format the instance with the current locale. You can set the current * locale using setlocale() https://php.net/setlocale. * * @deprecated It uses OS language package and strftime() which is deprecated since PHP 8.1. * Use ->isoFormat() instead. * Deprecated since 2.55.0 * * @param string $format * * @return string */ public function formatLocalized($format) { // Check for Windows to find and replace the %e modifier correctly. if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') { $format = preg_replace('#(?toDateTimeString()); $formatted = ($this->localStrictModeEnabled ?? static::isStrictModeEnabled()) ? strftime($format, $time) : @strftime($format, $time); return static::$utf8 ? ( \function_exists('mb_convert_encoding') ? mb_convert_encoding($formatted, 'UTF-8', mb_list_encodings()) : utf8_encode($formatted) ) : $formatted; } /** * Returns list of locale formats for ISO formatting. * * @param string|null $locale current locale used if null * * @return array */ public function getIsoFormats($locale = null) { return [ 'LT' => $this->getTranslationMessage('formats.LT', $locale, 'h:mm A'), 'LTS' => $this->getTranslationMessage('formats.LTS', $locale, 'h:mm:ss A'), 'L' => $this->getTranslationMessage('formats.L', $locale, 'MM/DD/YYYY'), 'LL' => $this->getTranslationMessage('formats.LL', $locale, 'MMMM D, YYYY'), 'LLL' => $this->getTranslationMessage('formats.LLL', $locale, 'MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'), 'LLLL' => $this->getTranslationMessage('formats.LLLL', $locale, 'dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A'), 'l' => $this->getTranslationMessage('formats.l', $locale), 'll' => $this->getTranslationMessage('formats.ll', $locale), 'lll' => $this->getTranslationMessage('formats.lll', $locale), 'llll' => $this->getTranslationMessage('formats.llll', $locale), ]; } /** * Returns list of calendar formats for ISO formatting. * * @param string|null $locale current locale used if null * * @return array */ public function getCalendarFormats($locale = null) { return [ 'sameDay' => $this->getTranslationMessage('calendar.sameDay', $locale, '[Today at] LT'), 'nextDay' => $this->getTranslationMessage('calendar.nextDay', $locale, '[Tomorrow at] LT'), 'nextWeek' => $this->getTranslationMessage('calendar.nextWeek', $locale, 'dddd [at] LT'), 'lastDay' => $this->getTranslationMessage('calendar.lastDay', $locale, '[Yesterday at] LT'), 'lastWeek' => $this->getTranslationMessage('calendar.lastWeek', $locale, '[Last] dddd [at] LT'), 'sameElse' => $this->getTranslationMessage('calendar.sameElse', $locale, 'L'), ]; } /** * Returns list of locale units for ISO formatting. * * @return array */ public static function getIsoUnits() { static $units = null; if ($units === null) { $units = [ 'OD' => ['getAltNumber', ['day']], 'OM' => ['getAltNumber', ['month']], 'OY' => ['getAltNumber', ['year']], 'OH' => ['getAltNumber', ['hour']], 'Oh' => ['getAltNumber', ['h']], 'Om' => ['getAltNumber', ['minute']], 'Os' => ['getAltNumber', ['second']], 'D' => 'day', 'DD' => ['rawFormat', ['d']], 'Do' => ['ordinal', ['day', 'D']], 'd' => 'dayOfWeek', 'dd' => function (CarbonInterface $date, $originalFormat = null) { return $date->getTranslatedMinDayName($originalFormat); }, 'ddd' => function (CarbonInterface $date, $originalFormat = null) { return $date->getTranslatedShortDayName($originalFormat); }, 'dddd' => function (CarbonInterface $date, $originalFormat = null) { return $date->getTranslatedDayName($originalFormat); }, 'DDD' => 'dayOfYear', 'DDDD' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['dayOfYear', 3]], 'DDDo' => ['ordinal', ['dayOfYear', 'DDD']], 'e' => ['weekday', []], 'E' => 'dayOfWeekIso', 'H' => ['rawFormat', ['G']], 'HH' => ['rawFormat', ['H']], 'h' => ['rawFormat', ['g']], 'hh' => ['rawFormat', ['h']], 'k' => 'noZeroHour', 'kk' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['noZeroHour']], 'hmm' => ['rawFormat', ['gi']], 'hmmss' => ['rawFormat', ['gis']], 'Hmm' => ['rawFormat', ['Gi']], 'Hmmss' => ['rawFormat', ['Gis']], 'm' => 'minute', 'mm' => ['rawFormat', ['i']], 'a' => 'meridiem', 'A' => 'upperMeridiem', 's' => 'second', 'ss' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['second']], 'S' => function (CarbonInterface $date) { return (string) floor($date->micro / 100000); }, 'SS' => function (CarbonInterface $date) { return str_pad((string) floor($date->micro / 10000), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, 'SSS' => function (CarbonInterface $date) { return str_pad((string) floor($date->micro / 1000), 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, 'SSSS' => function (CarbonInterface $date) { return str_pad((string) floor($date->micro / 100), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, 'SSSSS' => function (CarbonInterface $date) { return str_pad((string) floor($date->micro / 10), 5, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, 'SSSSSS' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['micro', 6]], 'SSSSSSS' => function (CarbonInterface $date) { return str_pad((string) floor($date->micro * 10), 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, 'SSSSSSSS' => function (CarbonInterface $date) { return str_pad((string) floor($date->micro * 100), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, 'SSSSSSSSS' => function (CarbonInterface $date) { return str_pad((string) floor($date->micro * 1000), 9, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); }, 'M' => 'month', 'MM' => ['rawFormat', ['m']], 'MMM' => function (CarbonInterface $date, $originalFormat = null) { $month = $date->getTranslatedShortMonthName($originalFormat); $suffix = $date->getTranslationMessage('mmm_suffix'); if ($suffix && $month !== $date->monthName) { $month .= $suffix; } return $month; }, 'MMMM' => function (CarbonInterface $date, $originalFormat = null) { return $date->getTranslatedMonthName($originalFormat); }, 'Mo' => ['ordinal', ['month', 'M']], 'Q' => 'quarter', 'Qo' => ['ordinal', ['quarter', 'M']], 'G' => 'isoWeekYear', 'GG' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['isoWeekYear']], 'GGG' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['isoWeekYear', 3]], 'GGGG' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['isoWeekYear', 4]], 'GGGGG' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['isoWeekYear', 5]], 'g' => 'weekYear', 'gg' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['weekYear']], 'ggg' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['weekYear', 3]], 'gggg' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['weekYear', 4]], 'ggggg' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['weekYear', 5]], 'W' => 'isoWeek', 'WW' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['isoWeek']], 'Wo' => ['ordinal', ['isoWeek', 'W']], 'w' => 'week', 'ww' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['week']], 'wo' => ['ordinal', ['week', 'w']], 'x' => ['valueOf', []], 'X' => 'timestamp', 'Y' => 'year', 'YY' => ['rawFormat', ['y']], 'YYYY' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['year', 4]], 'YYYYY' => ['getPaddedUnit', ['year', 5]], 'YYYYYY' => function (CarbonInterface $date) { return ($date->year < 0 ? '' : '+').$date->getPaddedUnit('year', 6); }, 'z' => ['rawFormat', ['T']], 'zz' => 'tzName', 'Z' => ['getOffsetString', []], 'ZZ' => ['getOffsetString', ['']], ]; } return $units; } /** * Returns a unit of the instance padded with 0 by default or any other string if specified. * * @param string $unit Carbon unit name * @param int $length Length of the output (2 by default) * @param string $padString String to use for padding ("0" by default) * @param int $padType Side(s) to pad (STR_PAD_LEFT by default) * * @return string */ public function getPaddedUnit($unit, $length = 2, $padString = '0', $padType = STR_PAD_LEFT) { return ($this->$unit < 0 ? '-' : '').str_pad((string) abs($this->$unit), $length, $padString, $padType); } /** * Return a property with its ordinal. * * @param string $key * @param string|null $period * * @return string */ public function ordinal(string $key, ?string $period = null): string { $number = $this->$key; $result = $this->translate('ordinal', [ ':number' => $number, ':period' => (string) $period, ]); return (string) ($result === 'ordinal' ? $number : $result); } /** * Return the meridiem of the current time in the current locale. * * @param bool $isLower if true, returns lowercase variant if available in the current locale. * * @return string */ public function meridiem(bool $isLower = false): string { $hour = $this->hour; $index = $hour < 12 ? 0 : 1; if ($isLower) { $key = 'meridiem.'.($index + 2); $result = $this->translate($key); if ($result !== $key) { return $result; } } $key = "meridiem.$index"; $result = $this->translate($key); if ($result === $key) { $result = $this->translate('meridiem', [ ':hour' => $this->hour, ':minute' => $this->minute, ':isLower' => $isLower, ]); if ($result === 'meridiem') { return $isLower ? $this->latinMeridiem : $this->latinUpperMeridiem; } } elseif ($isLower) { $result = mb_strtolower($result); } return $result; } /** * Returns the alternative number for a given date property if available in the current locale. * * @param string $key date property * * @return string */ public function getAltNumber(string $key): string { return $this->translateNumber(\strlen($key) > 1 ? $this->$key : $this->rawFormat('h')); } /** * Format in the current language using ISO replacement patterns. * * @param string $format * @param string|null $originalFormat provide context if a chunk has been passed alone * * @return string */ public function isoFormat(string $format, ?string $originalFormat = null): string { $result = ''; $length = mb_strlen($format); $originalFormat = $originalFormat ?: $format; $inEscaped = false; $formats = null; $units = null; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $char = mb_substr($format, $i, 1); if ($char === '\\') { $result .= mb_substr($format, ++$i, 1); continue; } if ($char === '[' && !$inEscaped) { $inEscaped = true; continue; } if ($char === ']' && $inEscaped) { $inEscaped = false; continue; } if ($inEscaped) { $result .= $char; continue; } $input = mb_substr($format, $i); if (preg_match('/^(LTS|LT|l{1,4}|L{1,4})/', $input, $match)) { if ($formats === null) { $formats = $this->getIsoFormats(); } $code = $match[0]; $sequence = $formats[$code] ?? preg_replace_callback( '/MMMM|MM|DD|dddd/', function ($code) { return mb_substr($code[0], 1); }, $formats[strtoupper($code)] ?? '' ); $rest = mb_substr($format, $i + mb_strlen($code)); $format = mb_substr($format, 0, $i).$sequence.$rest; $length = mb_strlen($format); $input = $sequence.$rest; } if (preg_match('/^'.CarbonInterface::ISO_FORMAT_REGEXP.'/', $input, $match)) { $code = $match[0]; if ($units === null) { $units = static::getIsoUnits(); } $sequence = $units[$code] ?? ''; if ($sequence instanceof Closure) { $sequence = $sequence($this, $originalFormat); } elseif (\is_array($sequence)) { try { $sequence = $this->{$sequence[0]}(...$sequence[1]); } catch (ReflectionException | InvalidArgumentException | BadMethodCallException $e) { $sequence = ''; } } elseif (\is_string($sequence)) { $sequence = $this->$sequence ?? $code; } $format = mb_substr($format, 0, $i).$sequence.mb_substr($format, $i + mb_strlen($code)); $i += mb_strlen((string) $sequence) - 1; $length = mb_strlen($format); $char = $sequence; } $result .= $char; } return $result; } /** * List of replacements from date() format to isoFormat(). * * @return array */ public static function getFormatsToIsoReplacements() { static $replacements = null; if ($replacements === null) { $replacements = [ 'd' => true, 'D' => 'ddd', 'j' => true, 'l' => 'dddd', 'N' => true, 'S' => function ($date) { $day = $date->rawFormat('j'); return str_replace((string) $day, '', $date->isoFormat('Do')); }, 'w' => true, 'z' => true, 'W' => true, 'F' => 'MMMM', 'm' => true, 'M' => 'MMM', 'n' => true, 't' => true, 'L' => true, 'o' => true, 'Y' => true, 'y' => true, 'a' => 'a', 'A' => 'A', 'B' => true, 'g' => true, 'G' => true, 'h' => true, 'H' => true, 'i' => true, 's' => true, 'u' => true, 'v' => true, 'E' => true, 'I' => true, 'O' => true, 'P' => true, 'Z' => true, 'c' => true, 'r' => true, 'U' => true, 'T' => true, ]; } return $replacements; } /** * Format as ->format() do (using date replacements patterns from https://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php) * but translate words whenever possible (months, day names, etc.) using the current locale. * * @param string $format * * @return string */ public function translatedFormat(string $format): string { $replacements = static::getFormatsToIsoReplacements(); $context = ''; $isoFormat = ''; $length = mb_strlen($format); for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { $char = mb_substr($format, $i, 1); if ($char === '\\') { $replacement = mb_substr($format, $i, 2); $isoFormat .= $replacement; $i++; continue; } if (!isset($replacements[$char])) { $replacement = preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]$/', $char) ? "\\$char" : $char; $isoFormat .= $replacement; $context .= $replacement; continue; } $replacement = $replacements[$char]; if ($replacement === true) { static $contextReplacements = null; if ($contextReplacements === null) { $contextReplacements = [ 'm' => 'MM', 'd' => 'DD', 't' => 'D', 'j' => 'D', 'N' => 'e', 'w' => 'e', 'n' => 'M', 'o' => 'YYYY', 'Y' => 'YYYY', 'y' => 'YY', 'g' => 'h', 'G' => 'H', 'h' => 'hh', 'H' => 'HH', 'i' => 'mm', 's' => 'ss', ]; } $isoFormat .= '['.$this->rawFormat($char).']'; $context .= $contextReplacements[$char] ?? ' '; continue; } if ($replacement instanceof Closure) { $replacement = '['.$replacement($this).']'; $isoFormat .= $replacement; $context .= $replacement; continue; } $isoFormat .= $replacement; $context .= $replacement; } return $this->isoFormat($isoFormat, $context); } /** * Returns the offset hour and minute formatted with +/- and a given separator (":" by default). * For example, if the time zone is 9 hours 30 minutes, you'll get "+09:30", with "@@" as first * argument, "+09@@30", with "" as first argument, "+0930". Negative offset will return something * like "-12:00". * * @param string $separator string to place between hours and minutes (":" by default) * * @return string */ public function getOffsetString($separator = ':') { $second = $this->getOffset(); $symbol = $second < 0 ? '-' : '+'; $minute = abs($second) / static::SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; $hour = str_pad((string) floor($minute / static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); $minute = str_pad((string) (((int) $minute) % static::MINUTES_PER_HOUR), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); return "$symbol$hour$separator$minute"; } protected static function executeStaticCallable($macro, ...$parameters) { return static::bindMacroContext(null, function () use (&$macro, &$parameters) { if ($macro instanceof Closure) { $boundMacro = @Closure::bind($macro, null, static::class); return ($boundMacro ?: $macro)(...$parameters); } return $macro(...$parameters); }); } /** * Dynamically handle calls to the class. * * @param string $method magic method name called * @param array $parameters parameters list * * @throws BadMethodCallException * * @return mixed */ public static function __callStatic($method, $parameters) { if (!static::hasMacro($method)) { foreach (static::getGenericMacros() as $callback) { try { return static::executeStaticCallable($callback, $method, ...$parameters); } catch (BadMethodCallException $exception) { continue; } } if (static::isStrictModeEnabled()) { throw new UnknownMethodException(sprintf('%s::%s', static::class, $method)); } return null; } return static::executeStaticCallable(static::$globalMacros[$method], ...$parameters); } /** * Set specified unit to new given value. * * @param string $unit year, month, day, hour, minute, second or microsecond * @param int $value new value for given unit * * @return static */ public function setUnit($unit, $value = null) { $unit = static::singularUnit($unit); $dateUnits = ['year', 'month', 'day']; if (\in_array($unit, $dateUnits)) { return $this->setDate(...array_map(function ($name) use ($unit, $value) { return (int) ($name === $unit ? $value : $this->$name); }, $dateUnits)); } $units = ['hour', 'minute', 'second', 'micro']; if ($unit === 'millisecond' || $unit === 'milli') { $value *= 1000; $unit = 'micro'; } elseif ($unit === 'microsecond') { $unit = 'micro'; } return $this->setTime(...array_map(function ($name) use ($unit, $value) { return (int) ($name === $unit ? $value : $this->$name); }, $units)); } /** * Returns standardized singular of a given singular/plural unit name (in English). * * @param string $unit * * @return string */ public static function singularUnit(string $unit): string { $unit = rtrim(mb_strtolower($unit), 's'); if ($unit === 'centurie') { return 'century'; } if ($unit === 'millennia') { return 'millennium'; } return $unit; } /** * Returns standardized plural of a given singular/plural unit name (in English). * * @param string $unit * * @return string */ public static function pluralUnit(string $unit): string { $unit = rtrim(strtolower($unit), 's'); if ($unit === 'century') { return 'centuries'; } if ($unit === 'millennium' || $unit === 'millennia') { return 'millennia'; } return "{$unit}s"; } protected function executeCallable($macro, ...$parameters) { if ($macro instanceof Closure) { $boundMacro = @$macro->bindTo($this, static::class) ?: @$macro->bindTo(null, static::class); return ($boundMacro ?: $macro)(...$parameters); } return $macro(...$parameters); } protected function executeCallableWithContext($macro, ...$parameters) { return static::bindMacroContext($this, function () use (&$macro, &$parameters) { return $this->executeCallable($macro, ...$parameters); }); } protected static function getGenericMacros() { foreach (static::$globalGenericMacros as $list) { foreach ($list as $macro) { yield $macro; } } } /** * Dynamically handle calls to the class. * * @param string $method magic method name called * @param array $parameters parameters list * * @throws UnknownMethodException|BadMethodCallException|ReflectionException|Throwable * * @return mixed */ public function __call($method, $parameters) { $diffSizes = [ // @mode diffForHumans 'short' => true, // @mode diffForHumans 'long' => false, ]; $diffSyntaxModes = [ // @call diffForHumans 'Absolute' => CarbonInterface::DIFF_ABSOLUTE, // @call diffForHumans 'Relative' => CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_AUTO, // @call diffForHumans 'RelativeToNow' => CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_NOW, // @call diffForHumans 'RelativeToOther' => CarbonInterface::DIFF_RELATIVE_TO_OTHER, ]; $sizePattern = implode('|', array_keys($diffSizes)); $syntaxPattern = implode('|', array_keys($diffSyntaxModes)); if (preg_match("/^(?$sizePattern)(?$syntaxPattern)DiffForHumans$/", $method, $match)) { $dates = array_filter($parameters, function ($parameter) { return $parameter instanceof DateTimeInterface; }); $other = null; if (\count($dates)) { $key = key($dates); $other = current($dates); array_splice($parameters, $key, 1); } return $this->diffForHumans($other, $diffSyntaxModes[$match['syntax']], $diffSizes[$match['size']], ...$parameters); } $roundedValue = $this->callRoundMethod($method, $parameters); if ($roundedValue !== null) { return $roundedValue; } $unit = rtrim($method, 's'); if (str_starts_with($unit, 'is')) { $word = substr($unit, 2); if (\in_array($word, static::$days, true)) { return $this->isDayOfWeek($word); } switch ($word) { // @call is Check if the current instance has UTC timezone. (Both isUtc and isUTC cases are valid.) case 'Utc': case 'UTC': return $this->utc; // @call is Check if the current instance has non-UTC timezone. case 'Local': return $this->local; // @call is Check if the current instance is a valid date. case 'Valid': return $this->year !== 0; // @call is Check if the current instance is in a daylight saving time. case 'DST': return $this->dst; } } $action = substr($unit, 0, 3); $overflow = null; if ($action === 'set') { $unit = strtolower(substr($unit, 3)); } if (\in_array($unit, static::$units, true)) { return $this->setUnit($unit, ...$parameters); } if ($action === 'add' || $action === 'sub') { $unit = substr($unit, 3); if (str_starts_with($unit, 'Real')) { $unit = static::singularUnit(substr($unit, 4)); return $this->{"{$action}RealUnit"}($unit, ...$parameters); } if (preg_match('/^(Month|Quarter|Year|Decade|Century|Centurie|Millennium|Millennia)s?(No|With|Without|WithNo)Overflow$/', $unit, $match)) { $unit = $match[1]; $overflow = $match[2] === 'With'; } $unit = static::singularUnit($unit); } if (static::isModifiableUnit($unit)) { return $this->{"{$action}Unit"}($unit, $this->getMagicParameter($parameters, 0, 'value', 1), $overflow); } $sixFirstLetters = substr($unit, 0, 6); $factor = -1; if ($sixFirstLetters === 'isLast') { $sixFirstLetters = 'isNext'; $factor = 1; } if ($sixFirstLetters === 'isNext') { $lowerUnit = strtolower(substr($unit, 6)); if (static::isModifiableUnit($lowerUnit)) { return $this->copy()->addUnit($lowerUnit, $factor, false)->isSameUnit($lowerUnit, ...$parameters); } } if ($sixFirstLetters === 'isSame') { try { return $this->isSameUnit(strtolower(substr($unit, 6)), ...$parameters); } catch (BadComparisonUnitException $exception) { // Try next } } if (str_starts_with($unit, 'isCurrent')) { try { return $this->isCurrentUnit(strtolower(substr($unit, 9))); } catch (BadComparisonUnitException | BadMethodCallException $exception) { // Try next } } if (str_ends_with($method, 'Until')) { try { $unit = static::singularUnit(substr($method, 0, -5)); return $this->range( $this->getMagicParameter($parameters, 0, 'endDate', $this), $this->getMagicParameter($parameters, 1, 'factor', 1), $unit ); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $exception) { // Try macros } } return static::bindMacroContext($this, function () use (&$method, &$parameters) { $macro = $this->getLocalMacro($method); if (!$macro) { foreach ([$this->localGenericMacros ?: [], static::getGenericMacros()] as $list) { foreach ($list as $callback) { try { return $this->executeCallable($callback, $method, ...$parameters); } catch (BadMethodCallException $exception) { continue; } } } if ($this->localStrictModeEnabled ?? static::isStrictModeEnabled()) { throw new UnknownMethodException($method); } return null; } return $this->executeCallable($macro, ...$parameters); }); } }